uncover blind spots

I help bring awareness to blindspots.



Have you ever wondered why unhelpful persistent behaviors and patterns repeat in your life that you can’t break free from?



I get how frustrating it can be to not have answers.

It’s not your fault.

Internal subconscious programming keeps us trapped in experiences we don’t want.

A mental prison.

The programming of your subconscious mind, downloaded when you were a child, runs how you now think, feel, behave and therefore the results in your life.


It’s time to free yourself from subconscious mental prisons by getting to the root cause of what is driving your behaviors and results.

They are typically massive blind spots.

Meet Raquel

I help bring awareness to blindspots


I believe that we are all born whole, complete, worthy and enough.

Past conditioning, programming, a false identity, limiting beliefs and trauma can trick us into believing otherwise, which distorts our view of self, distorts perspective and puts the ego in the driver’s seat. 

I’m passionate about working directly with the infinite intelligence of the subconscious mind to help my clients break free from mental prisons in order to dissolve hurdles and actualize results. 

I’ve blended knowledge from decades of schooling,16 years of professional experience, exploring multiple therapies, attending workshops, certifications, and reading mountains of books to create a unique process and safe container that supports long-lasting transformation.

Other passions and interests include facilitating women’s circles, facilitating women’s rite of passage ceremonies, making herbal medicine, sovereign homebirth, sovereign wellness and the list goes on! 

Certified Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapist, Holistic Health Coach, Robbins-Madanes trained Life Coach.

My Story

A woman wearing black and white leggings leaps into the air, demonstrating energy and grace in her athletic pose.

I lived a robotic way of life littered with should, need to and have to. In having a massive life decision I was confronted with, I realized that I don’t need to keep living a life based on who I thought I should be in order to gain love, approval, acceptance, respect, significance and the list goes on. This realization that “I have a choice” in my late 20’s sparked my journey of self discovery and initiated some radical shifts in my life. Prior to this epiphany, I was living in the prison of “I don’t have a say” and totally blind to this way of being that was running my life.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
— Carl Jung

With help from brilliant teachers (like Marisa Peer and Peter Crone to name a couple), I was able to bring to conscious awareness other mental prisons that tricked me into locking onto false identities around who I thought myself to be. Most notably I am a disappointment, I am insignificant, there is something wrong with me, I have nothing good to say, I am not safe to be me…I can go on with these false identities and lies I created. What arose from the lies and stories I was telling myself were behavioral adaptations like people pleasing, perfectionism, self abandonment and suffocation of self expression. I was viewing these behaviors, inactions and results as problems, rather than the coping mechanisms and behavioral adaptations that they are. They were my best attempt to find solutions for safety, protection and survival rooted in lack and deep insecurities. 

With the awareness and understanding that these mental prisons arose from past hurt, I’m able to integrate and process past hurt and change the relationship to my past which has changed my relationship to myself.  It has completely shifted my perspective, which I found is the key to unlocking the doors of the prisons I unconsciously created.

I’m still on this journey, and to be honest, I’m not quite sure there is an endpoint as I’m constantly discovering and integrating new parts of myself thanks to the gems presenting as what triggers my human self. I still find myself in the muck at times, the difference now is I don’t get stuck there, I know how to pivot and I don’t allow the lies to define me. I’m learning and growing from a different frequency - from excitement, curiosity and wonder.

From my own struggles and suffering I have created the container in which I support clients. This is what brings me joy and why I do what I do. It’s been a gift to alchemize and transmute my own suffering into supporting others to feel safe, seen, heard, held in order to break free from mental prisons and transcend suffering. 

My offering is for those who resonate with this. For those who can see a bit of themselves in my story. For those who want to shift out of victim consciousness into living powerfully and are not sure how, yet. For those who feel stuck and frustrated by not having answers.

I see you, I get you.


First, I will share that this is NOT for you if you’re not willing to get uncomfortable and unlearn deeply held disempowering beliefs and perceptions.

THIS IS FOR YOU IF you are willing to:

  • Illuminate what you have previously been blind to

  • Change your relationship to the past

  • Feel your feelings

  • Question and dismantle your disempowering beliefs, stories, perceptions and status quo

  • Be open to experience the unexpected

If you’re committed to saying yes to the above, read on.




The unique combination of Rapid Transformational Therapy as well as Transformational Coaching create breakthrough results by getting to the root cause of subconscious programming and narratives that are driving undesirable behaviors and results.

Break free from mental prisons in order to dissolve hurdles and actualize results.   

Here are some benefits:


Uncover your blind spots. Bring awareness to what has been keeping you in a mental prison and running your life without your knowledge


Become at peace with who you are so that you’re free from comparing yourself to others


Feel the liberation, clarity & inner peace that comes from letting go of what’s holding you back


Turn the inner critic into your inner champion that guides you home to yourself - a homecoming


Speak your truth and advocate for your wants, needs and desires so you feel self-expressed


Turn difficult situations into opportunities for growth, expansion and even exciting new possibilities


Create clarity around what’s important to you, enabling you to feel certain about the choices you make with unshakable confidence


Client Results

Here’s what to do next:

Step 1:

Book a discovery call.

Then you’ll receive a questionnaire within 24 hours via email to fill out before our call and in order to have our call.


Step 2:

We hop on a free, no-obligation 30 min zoom call to casually feel out if we’re a right fit for each other. I learn about you, what you’re looking for, and share some valuable recommendations.


Step 3:

Transformation begins the moment you commit. Once you decide you’re in, the outcomes as a result of this choice will surprise you.


More client transformations!


Life is precious and I know you have an inner longing for something more, which is why you kept reading.

Listen to that longing.

Make a commitment and choose you.


Frequently Asked Questions


Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a powerful hybrid method developed and fine-tuned over 30 years by world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer. It combines the most effective principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with the ability to transform lives.


Sessions are held via Zoom or in person if you’re near Gloucester, Massachusetts.


RTT is a 2-hour session and Transformational Coaching is a 1-hour session.


I can tell you that this is NOT a step-by-step guide telling you exactly what you need to do and how to do it. It’s an exploration to uncover blind spots that reside in your subconscious mind that have been driving your thoughts, emotions, behaviors and therefore your results. If you’re not getting the results that you desire, it’s time to get to the genesis of why that is, the root cause of what that is and that’s what I can help illuminate. If any of the above resonates with you, book a call to discuss further.


An open mind, to lean into the uncomfortable, to show up for yourself, to follow through on your commitments. That’s a good start.

Let’s chat during a discovery call


The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek
— Joseph Campbell

You are responsible for the quality of your life and who you become.

We all have blind spots.

Illuminate what you don’t see to set yourself free. 


